Mosquito Control
We have very easy Mosquito control solutions that can be applied to your Yard!. By applying Permethrin/PBO or Pyrethrum, a natural insecticide extracted from the Chrysanthemum flower, your Mosquito problems will be under control. These insecticide solutions will provide you the coverage you're looking for.
Mosquitoes can be very annoying! The fact that your are visiting our site, you probably already know of the health dangers (West Nile Virus, etc.) associated with Mosquitoes and the deadly diseases they transmit! At bugsource.com we offer bug control solutions for Mosquitoes, Flies, Asian Ladybugs, Earwigs, Bees, Box Elders and many more.
Mosquitoes are a pest that are capable of ruining a great day at the park, a romantic evening on the deck or even spending free time in the garden. People will do anything to avoid being bit. They will wear long pants during the summer, use hats with screen veils and even spray themselves with everything imaginable hoping that no Mosquito will find them. However, Mosquito population's are more active today then ever. If you enjoy the great outdoors, we can help you deal with Mosquitoes. "Take Control of YOUR Yard!"
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Hurricane Fogger (Curtis) is capable of dispensing insecticides(permethrin, pyrethrum, PBO) and more in both water and oil based formulations. This versatile unit gives you the power to handle both large and small areas, wherever Ultra Low Volume application is needed.
The Bug Source Auto-Spray Misting System is your answer to a BUGFREE facility or area(BACKYARDS!). Available in 55 gallon reservoir size.
A whole NEW catagory of of performance clothing. Insect repellent apparel by Ex Officio. BUZZ OFF™ Insect Shield Repellent Apparel is fully registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency - The EPA. BUZZ OFF™ is now shipping to all states, and Puerto Rico!
Riptide is a Pyrethrin 5%/PBO 25% ULV waterbased solution.
Great for automatic spray or misting systems. One 64oz container is good for one 55 gallon fill.
For use indoors and outdoors and is less harmfull to landscape plants and foliage. Riptide has no oil and leaves no oil residue. Kills biting insects including ticks, mosquitoes and flies. Economical to use compared to other pyrethrin sprays.
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Insecticides - Bug Control Solutions
Simple to use! Have fun with your life! Insect control will make the outdoors more ENJOYABLE!!!
There are many uses for the different bug control solutions we offer. You can use it for relief from bugs for pets, horses, dairy farms, cattle and much more! Protect yourself from Mosquitoes, Flies and those pesty Gnats!
Bug Source Misting Systems
Proven Leader of the Automatic Insect Misting System in the market! Let us provide you with a solution to kill MOSQUITOES! PROVIDING SYSTEMS SINCE 2001
Here are some of the top-selling products in our store:
Anileator - ULV Fogger
Curtis Dynafog's Anileator ULV fogger designed with the home owner in mind. This compact hand held fogger is preset to the ideal output rate for MOSQUITO control.
$ 248.00
Mini-Lite ULV Fogger
Curtis Dyna Fog's newest offering. The Mini-Lite ULV Fogger is the PCO's answer to an affortable machine for adulticiding, barrier spraying and spot treatments. The Mini-Lite is designed as a dual-purpose maching for indoor and outdoor use. Ideal for outdoor Golf Courses, Campgrounds, Parks, Correctional Facilities, Dairy and Horse Barns, Lumberyards, Schools, Warehouses, Greenhouses, Food Processing Plants, Ballparks and Driving Ranges.
$ 1995.00
Vampyre 3% Pyrethrin/30% PBO Liquid Misting Concentrate. A micro-emulsion, water-based spray. Kills Mosquitoes, including the Culex species that may carry and transmit the West Nile Virus.
$ 219.99
Metered Aerosol Dispenser
Metered Aerosol Dispenser designed for automatic dispersal of spray from common 6.4 oz. This state-of-the-art dispenser offers 15 minute spray cycles 24 hours a day for 30 days.
$ 39.99
Metered Aerosol Can
This Aerosol 6.25/6.4 oz for use in most styles of automatic dispensers. Kills Flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats, and small flying moths.
$ 9.95