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The fly is an enemy because it is one of the biggest disease carriers in existence. Moist, warm, decaying material protected by sunlight is favored for fly eggs to hatch and in only 8 short hours for fly larvae or maggots to grow. An uncovered garbage can is an ldeal breeding place. Flies feed and reproduce on filth, decaying matter, and water. Flies are tranmitters of disease primarily because they feed on human and animal wastes. The dangerous bacteria present in these wastes stick to the mouth, footpads and hairs of flies and may then be deposited in feed intended for animal consumption. Fly feces, which contain disease-bearing organisms, can also contaminate human food. Flies defecate every four to five minutes. And since flies have no teeth and must take their nourishment in liquid form, they spit on solid food and let it dissolve before consuming. Fly spittle, or vomitus, is swarming with bacteria and contaminates feed and areas where feed is stored. A fly can infect feed/food by merely landing on it. Flies can enter a building that has openings not much larger than the head of a pin. Although they rarely travel very far from where they are hatched, flies may be lured to the sources of attractive odors. Flies may also be carried long distances by air current. One female fly can produce thousands of offspring in a single breeding season. Flies have favorite resting places. They are especially fond of places protected from the wind and on edges such as garbage can rims and electric wires Flies carry bacteria that can cause many diseases known and unknown to man. One fly can carry over 33 million disease-causing microorganisms on the inner and outer surfaces of its body. There are over 87,000 different fly species. The fly is one of the fastest flying insects. A fly's vision is sharp for only 24 to 36 inches. One successful hatch can result in well over 2 million flies. One season can breed as much as 25 generations.

Mosquitoes are a pest that are capable of ruining a great day at the park, a romantic evening on a deck or even spending time in the garden. People will do anything to avoid being bit. They will wear long pants during the summer, use hats with screen veils and even spray themselves with everything imaginable hoping that no mosquito will find them. However, mosquito population's are more active today then ever. If you enjoy the great outdoors, get used to dealing with mosquitoes. They are here to stay and this article will explain methods of control you may use to help diminish their numbers around the home. The author will not get in to great detail about all the species throughout the world. Furthermore, this article is not about diseases - specifically the West Nile Virus - nor detailed mosquito biology. There is some basic information the author will discuss but the focus of this article will be to offer control methods for all kinds of mosquitoes - regardless of species!!! There are over 150 species of mosquitoes in the United States. Some are able to fully develop from eggs in less than a week. Most take 10-14 days to reach maturity but what is important is they grow rapidly. Mosquitoes need water and high levels of moisture to sustain themselves. Although female mosquitoes may live for up to a year, most die in the season they were born. Mosquito populations are able to continue from year to year because one stage is able to overwinter and start their cycle again the next spring. It may be the adult, the pupa, the larva or the egg which is needed. Each species has different winter survivors. Some adult females don't need a blood meal to begin to reproduce. In general, male mosquitoes live a short time. Most mosquitoes lay several hundred eggs and are able to generate huge populations within a short period of time. Although standing water is the prime location for them to reproduce, there are many locations around the home that afford fertile egg laying areas. Such places include water in the bottom of planters, drainage streams, street sewers which don't drain completely, rain barrels, buckets of water, swimming pools, drain lines from rain gutters, old tires, mulch around the home, shrubs, trees, firewood, slow moving water, small decorative ponds for pet fish, bird baths, water accumulating around windows or doors, water accumulating from an automatic sprinkler system, pet water dishes, leaks around water spickets and just about anywhere water is used or is able to accumulate during the warm summer months any where in the country. Mosquitoes need water to reproduce. They will readily move to moist, shady areas under decks, around pools, in garages, in dense shrubbery or flowers, any kind of ivy, holes or nooks of trees, water in a clogged rain gutter or simply the water on a leaf of shrubs which are being watered during the hot summer months. Most people believe mosquitoes are coming from great distances to their yard in search of food. In fact, most mosquitoes migrate to a yard first and foremost because there is something about the yard which the mosquito finds attractive for living. In most cases, mosquitoes are finding a great place to live around the home and then take advantage of the free meals the homeowner or their children present when outside in the yard. Mosquitoes don't migrate far from where they will find shelter and protection from the hot sun.
Shade and moisture are two ingredients needed for their survival and can be found around any home. If your home is on a lake or pond, the mosquitoes could be breeding in the water. Generally, they will do so close to shore. Don't expect to find them more than 10 feet from shore. They like shallow water and will keep themselves close to plant life and wet lands if possible. Open deep water which is moving is not the kind of water they like for reproduction. Barns or sheds are another great location for reproduction or shelter. The underside of most decks which are built close to the ground offers great shady shelter and protection for weak mosquitoes susceptible to the hot sun. It is important to locate any area around the home where mosquitoes may be seeking shelter or using for reproduction. The author has experienced a trend in recent years which will only continue. Many homeowners are creating perfect breeding and shelter conditions which are attracting mosquitoes. If you have any of the conditions described above, chances are you will have mosquitoes. Don't be placing the blame on someone else. Mosquitoes will stay where the breeding and shelter areas are best for them. If you are creating a moist shady area around your home, you will be luring mosquitoes. Once they find the shade and moisture to live, expect them to find you and your family for their food! Mosquito control is easy if you are able to determine where they are living or breeding. Inspect around your home and locate where the mosquitoes are most prevalent. Although you may believe they are coming from an adjacent lot, be sure to inspect your property thoroughly. If you have any of the sights listed above, chances are mosquitoes are taking advantage of such conditions. Another way to determine where the mosquitoes are living is to simply stand in certain areas and wait to see how long it takes for them to find you. Mosquitoes will not travel far away from where they are comfortable. The faster you have mosquitoes find you and the more that find you indicate a prime nest or shelter location which needs to be treated. Such "pockets" of mosquitoes exist around most any home and the secret of getting control of the situation is to find as many of these locations. Once found, there are several methods of treatment that can be used.


Pesticides are poisonous. Always read and carefully follow all precautions and safety recommendations given on the container label. Store all chemicals in the original labeled containers in a locked cabinet or shed, away from food or feeds, and out of the reach of children, unauthorized persons, pets, and livestock. Confine chemicals to the property being treated. Avoid drift onto neighboring properties, especially gardens containing fruits and/or vegetables ready to be picked. Dispose of empty containers carefully. Follow label instructions for disposal. Never reuse containers. Make sure empty containers are not accessible to children or animals. Never dispose of containers where they may contaminate water supplies or natural waterways. Do not pour down sink or toilet. Consult your county agricultural commissioner for correct ways of disposing of excess pesticides. Never burn pesticide containers.

Asian Lady Beetle